Financial Institutions

We implement reliable and secure payment solutions that cover the entire payment ecosystem.

  • Issuing and acquiring solutions
  • Payment Processing
  • Digital Banking Solutions
  • Scalability and Reliability
  • Security and Compliance
  • User Experience
  • Loyalty Schemes
  • ATM, Smart POS, momoPOS, eCommerce

Merchants and Businesses

We provide robust payment solutions that seamlessly support merchants in delivering exceptional payment experiences across various channels.

  • Unified Payment Gateway
  • In-Store Payment Solutions
  • Online Payment Solutions
  • Mobile Payment Solutions
  • Tokenisation and Data Security
  • Multi-Currency and Global Support

Risk Management and Fraud Prevention

Exceeding customer expectations, we ensure the utmost security in digital payments through real-time fraud management powered by cutting-edge machine learning and advanced analytics.

  • Data Enrichment and Contextual Analysis
  • Machine Learning and AI-Based Fraud Detection
  • Behavioural Analytics
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
  • Real-Time Transaction Monitoring
  • Rule-Based Systems
  • Collaborative Fraud Intelligence

Building Blocks

We provide a stress-free payment experience for our clients by factoring the following.


Robust security measures including encryption protocols, tokenization, and adherence to industry security standards like PCI-DSS


Supports different payment systems, such as credit/debit cards, mobile wallets, bank transfers, and other emerging payment methods.

Adaptability and Scalability

Adaptable and scalable to accommodate new payment methods and technologies, ensuring it remains relevant and up-to-date.

Seamless Transactions

Built with tier-4 and the best infrastructure standards in mind, the switching platform ensures that transactions are processed smoothly and quickly- 10,600 transactions per second.

Authorization and Authentication

Infused with authorization checks and user authentication to verify the validity of the payment and the legitimate and secure.

Real-time Monitoring and Reporting

Includes reporting and analytics tools that allow clients to track and analyze their payment data, gain insights into customer behavior, and optimize their payment processes.

Have any questions for us?

Don't hesitate to contact us

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What security Means to Us.

Security lies at the very heart of our company's identity, a commitment underscored by our ISO certifications. Our dedication to security transcends necessity; it is a resolute pledge to safeguard every facet of the financial sector we serve. ISO certification symbolizes our unwavering devotion to the most exacting standards in information security management, intricately woven into our operational fabric. It signifies the scrupulous safeguarding of the sensitive financial data entrusted to us by our clients and their customers, ensuring its unwavering confidentiality, integrity, and accessibility.